ahaha. it's not one month till i last blogged yet! wahahahaha
so the posts are still coming... yes they're coming.. slow but steady, yes very steady
The worst thing is. THERE'S NAPHA TOMORROW. And i can't run for nuts.
getting a C for 2.4 already pushes my lungs to the max. i can only dream for a B.
And thanks to dao ming, who had an incredible revelation that A levels is only 26 weeks away....you really made my day by easing my already maxed level of anxiety.
Studies have been INCREASINGLY DECREASING in excitment level... and that's really not good. this 26 weeks...no 182 days left till A levels have to be my best days of my life. i have to enjoy everything, from integration by parts to transposons to benzaldehaydes and fiscal policies. yes, i love them to the max.
ok just incase your're wondering why im using the word 'max' so much...
I'm just trying to promote this event called playmax...which is sometime in early june...
and for all you readers ( few ...i know) who want to know more about this PLAYMAX thing. come ask me...
i'll refer you to someone who knows more(=
haha no la i wont....just ask me...