Tuesday, December 30, 2008
It's finally the last day of 2008! Ain't it exciting? it sure is yea!
It's really too bad that I'll have to give the 'slumber party' at sam's place a miss.
In fact, from now, I'm gonna be giving a lot of things ...' a miss'.
yea, but i do wanna catch bedtime story soon. Couldn't catch it with the rest just now. hmmm
In every game of Risk. World domination is something. It's the 'something' that'll totally piss the other players off. One by one, countries get eaten up by your lovely coloured soldiers. countries become continents...and then the whole world! And here....yes here you can find the secret formula to dominate every game of risk! The secret formula to always roll a six on every dice!
you see...on the first roll
just chant...' let hope rise'( hope rises quickly so u should get a six by now)
and if that does not work... roll a second time repeating...' and darkness'
you stop there! usually ure second roll isn't very good cos ure just looming into darkness...
but then carry on with the third and last roll shouting....' trembles!'
Well... some people like elliot would just stare in disbelief at the crumble of his Jericho, walk away and play some Dota.
At least belle did a 'with everything'
yea so she kinda countered some hope...but no...HOPE RISES LIKE HOT AIR...too hot too hot
so yea, besides hope...
Monday, December 29, 2008
oh, and here's a quiz tagged by Gin, a long long long time ago, but i guess now i have the time...since it's so early in the morning.
1) My friends: God-given
2) I’m listening to: Coyotes, jason mraz...if you haven't heard of coyotes, go bury yourself under 3 metres of sand...if you haven't heard of jason mraz, go bury yourself under 1 metre of cement
3) Maybe i should learn: how to procRastinate with procRastination
4) I love: God, Family, Friends, Food
5) My plan: be spontaneous..haha
6) I don’t understand: why some people think physics is better than Bio...it's obvious..bio rules..
7) I lost: every game of Dota i ever played
8) People say: the earth is round...I say it's oval
9) I'm missing: the good old days
10) Love means: Suffering & Dying on the cross for my sins...Amen!
11) Somewhere... i belong...by linkin park(random... hah)
12) I'm always searching for: the nail clipper!It's never there!
13) Forever seems: so short?
14) I do not want to: wake up everyday at 5.30am in the morning, drag myself to school and stone in lectures.
15) My mobile phone: can only store 4 pictures...cool eh
16) When i wake up in the morning: i go back to sleep
17) I get annoyed when: my alarm clock rings?
18) Parties are: fun and tiring
19) Nothing
20) Today i: shall find some resolve to study
21) Tmr i will be: still studying
22) I really want: a road bike...that can travel 1000km/hr
23) I miss: yea...like everyone says...the good old days
24) What is your phone brand? : I'm not telling that it's nokia...
25) What's the last 3 digits of your num.?; 707...but why does this quiz wanna know....
26) What does the second message in your inbox say?; it says: I'm not telling!
27) Who was the last person you rang?; Dad
28) Who was your last missed call from?; Dad
29) What does the oldest message in your inbox say? Merry Christmas Jon.k! All the best for O's next year. (wow, that's old)
30) Who comes after J? on.k
31) to 39) - Went missing.
40) Go to your sent messages- see what the 10th message say.;No
41) Who is your network provider?; singtel
42) How many messages are there in your inbox?; no idea
43) Who do you have on speed dial 3?; Nobody
44) If you're using prepaid card, how much credits do they have? i don't
45) Who is the first person who comes after C? D?
46) What do you have as your main ringtone?: im on silent most of the time
47) Pass this quiz to 10 ppl!( but i only wanna pass to 5..)
1. Ellery
2. Serene
3. Natalie
4. Charis
5. Andrea

So I'm up pretty early today.
Well that's because School's gonna start soon.
And I wanna quickly get accustomed to the early mornings.
2009 2009 2009
That's been polluting my mind since the end of christmas, and i really am looking forward to an awesome year. A's, pfftt...I'll get through it..like all the others did...and get through it well! But thinking of 2009 just reminds me of the 'good old days' during PAE - the awesomestmestmestmest period of education any Singaporean student can ever experience. It's long gone, but the memories sure are deeply etched into my mind.
The times we go into class expecting nothing but a stress-free lesson from some stress-free teacher. the times when we all just decide not to turn up in school and end up in Sentosa. the times when we thought we needed an MC but infact...we don't! yes...those were the times. And you know, 1 year passes by very quickly, but thinking back, it feels like it took placed an eon ago. How saddening.
Well, that's about all the reminiscing i have in me. hmmm, actually nah... here's some pics of Ed and Crystal's wedding. again....THOSE WERE...WELL....SOME MORE GOOD OLD DAYS.

The good old days....hah
The passionate days.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Oh! i haven't been updating for quite awhile. Well, i still do so at a regular basis, and of course with drive and passion...so, i get to keep the title of passionate blogger! Don't doubt this blog's 'passionability'.
and.. A lot has happened. too much for me to even remember.
but what's more worth while to blog about then the ever amazing time of the year...CHRISTMAS!!!
YES MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERY BODY... i know i'm 2 days late here. haha, but who cares, it's Singapore...everything's so fast paced...who has time to blog anyway...

check out Ed's expression here man

What a loving cell we are yea?

Wow, I've grown so much...same height as El man
Cell dudes

Wassup??! haha

Now...i really feel tall!

haha, it was a awesome time of gift/card exchange the minute Christmas day arrived. And as usual, the many many photos taken...just part of our culture i guess(=
Had a lot of wonderful presents from people esp the electronic shaver! Thanks Wendy, Ed, and Ben for it! Wendy! i didn't know you could smuggle stuff so well...right under my nose too!
but at the same time, i owe Mel a bomb...shucks...Christmas gifts = $
yea anyway had movie marathon in church since yesterday, and it was a great time. I thought the only good show was dark knight though...perhaps it's because it's the only one i haven't watched.
Well the the of the time after sleep was just spent at mel's house playing some BORED, i mean board game. it was fun...BUT MY TEAM NEVER WON...so it's not fun(= HAHA...KIDDING
so that's that, and i guess things are gonna start to tone down from here. School's not too far away and i just pray that next year would be one that's rewarding. All the best for the coming year my passionate readers...
The Passionate One
Monday, December 22, 2008
Writing Christmas cards sure is fun! it's really really fun!
it's been say 2 hours, and my fingers are dying on me. It's like writing a history essay, chunking out large portions of content that so happened to get absorbed while watching discovery channel... ok no. but you get what i mean....or do you?
But writing christmas cards ain't all that bad. ya get to write stuff that you normally won't write on an everyday basis, get to share your emotions, get to encourage, get to challenge and get to er, wish merry Christmas???! haha yea, i enjoy writing them though it kills me after the first hour or so. but DO NOT FEAR. When you feel tired, just take a break, go to www.youtube.com, and search for STUPID SOCCER VIDEOS. yea that'll crack you up anytime!
now... what was i going to post...
yea cell outing was a blast! there's only a few more days till next year, and we have to treasure every moment with have now calling each other cell mates! We don;t wanna change cell! haha, but that's not for us to decide...
had lunch at this Japanese restaurant which captured Marche's concept of a market place. it was good and really affordable.(nice place to have a gathering). if it was buffet, IT WOULD BE SO MUCH BETTER. restraining sux...hahahhaha
well here are some pictures of yesterday's cell outing....i think we really prevented a lot of people from walking due to photograhy in like open corridors...haha...but who cares..
hmm, i do...

where's the cell leader!

er...where's he again! Ed! where are you!!! haha

according to Ellery, the black lady's steph
hope he's wrong tho..





' wow...the camera's so beautiful..'

qiqi/pei pei!

1,2,3...oops, can't press...again again

guess how old we are...

it's all about the balance...find the weight distribution and u can do this amazing feat...
yea, so that's just some of the cell pictures that we took...
oh and after that.. i had carolling at PP!
Some churchies came down accidentally so i guess they decided to support and cheer...
(hah, but secretly i enjoyed their company...dun tell...)
haha, thnx dudes..
wow...this sure is a long long long post....cos there's one more thing i did yesterday! it was
wooooohhhhHHHH, yea it was awesome, hmmm, Alvin, Mel, Bros, Evan and I.
from Mel's house we cycled to the nearby West Coast Park...just a few kilometres away...haha, played there for about an hour or so. trust me the play ground there is amazing.... esp the ones that spin you...you'll freak...
passed clementi...wanted to visit Vai, then moved on to Bukit Timah, and thought of Dunstan...but nah...it was too late...
Came back through town and yea...Mel was amazed by being in town in the weeeeeeeee hours of the morning. haha
that's about it....now...
gosh....nooo, i shan't blog about today...it's gonna be too long a post and bore you people to sleep lah....
signing off,
your faithful passionate blogger
Friday, December 19, 2008

yea, so that's how we killed time before we went for twilight on thur. well, this is like one of the only pictures I'm in, so yes...i can safely say i don't camwhore thank you(=
So yesterday was a nice nice day. Lunched with sec guys at cafe bar, it's cool that even after a year of different environments we still feel like we're in sec sch when we see each other. that kinda rox yea(= i kinda wish i could turn back time to when i was sec 1 and 2. those were seriously the best days of my life. 'carefree' becomes anunderstatement to describe those days man. i remember the soccer clan, the classroom jammers, Ek Jun, Andrew and even Sean! yes, the drummers of class 2r3!wish i still have those photos. i think it's in the sec 2 blog, but, i can't remember the add.
oh, and did i mentioned MEL interupted our really pleasant lunch! haha, no lah, you did'nt mel...
well, the whole afternoon was basically shopping after that. productive shopping...no productive CHRISTMAS shopping.
oh check out the brother's ever consistent pose in every picture.

signing off,
Thursday, December 18, 2008

hah, the bad shot

meet worship team! yea, serene sure rox



we were just free(=

attempt for cell pic


cell? haha
Ok, so now camp's over. yes it was the awesom-est time ever. If you missed camp, you missed the year... so Dan Tan, yea, sorry...haha
anyway, camp was great firstly for what i've learnt during the sessions, and esp during SOAP time.
those stuff really get you on your spiritual toes. what's next.. the GAMES. ROBOT mega rocked, really thankful to be able to hang out with those bunch of insanely cool people. V-may for juggling games and the group, and the rest for making it such an awesome time!(=
right now, it's post camp syndrome all the way. just wished it was a little longer...just a little longer...like about 2 more weeks? yea that'll be a good idea.
No but the tests are coming! and they're coming so very fast! i still wanna hang out, still wanna chill, still wanna have fun, still wanna this and that and this ...and what not...shucks
i hate this feeling...but i know you all know exactly how it feels like.
so jon.k, please just stop whining and study...
yea and er...twilight sux...yea...it really really does...go watch cartoon network or something...it'll be a better use of time.
or pics for camp are in other blogs... and facebook! go check!
Friday, December 12, 2008
It's about 7 more hours before camp starts.
Feeling rather excited right now.
I now know the group members. It'll be great.
Well today's carolling was really really weird... i think i totally lost all the notes DUE to the long break i had man. phuket...now camp. by the time i start singing again...i would most probably sound like a lost duck... i was lucky today, wild empire had another tenor who could back me up...no..i think he totally covered for me...i couldn't even hear myself half the time! JON...U NEED TO PRACTICE.
And thanks Sam for the dedication, i sure am a good product on your list yes? haha...(your're really lame and you know it.)
Oh and if your're reading this (u know who u are) ..... i want Jojo's Secret weapons for the mordern drummer! and quick! i need i need! haha. i would really appreaciate it lah! aha
and by the way..
i secretly play the guitar...(=

yea, sigining off once again
be passionified?hah..
Thursday, December 11, 2008

Wednesday, December 10, 2008
If you're wondering...yes..it's durian cake..sweetttt

notice kenneth's breast...i mean chest
so here's the real deal everyone...all you passionately waiting there at your computer screens only to see no pictures of the phuket/KL trip. but here it is...the wonderful pictures...haha

monkey island..with hot sun

wassup caryn?

meet the mother





elephant riding's not bad...u just have to pretend ure on a living roller coaster


right at the top of some moutain we ATVed up


this seriously was the best elephant show ever...some parts are censored...ask me if u wanna know what

dig it yo

predator! coolest art piece ever man

tuk tuk

outside KL CC what the heck man...it's the patronas! whole time auntie cynthia call it KL CC...no one knew what she was talking about

in the plane dunnoe doing what