Thursday, November 27, 2008
So here's the breakdown of what my trip to riot land is going to be like. We'll be taking a coach to KL tomorrow and spend a night there. then on sat, we'll set off for Phuket for a time of relaxation and rejuvenation. wasn't what i expected because i don't really like travelling time...(esp on a coach). but i guess it's a break that i really need. away from the hustle and bustle of Singapore.
Well today was a productive day...never knew the A for my Sec 2 Art actually reflected when i helped cut and paint the decors for Christmas high tea! hah... no lah...any dude can do art better than me. but preparing for christmas really does gets me into the festive spirit. every now and then, i'll be prompted to sing some lovely christmas songs...and feel so jolly and merry...ok im not just happy. hah
Sarpinos pizza for dinner, fantastic stuff. haven't tasted pizza this good for a long time man. sad thing someone missed out on it...haha. and guess what... I'm really getting better at CONNECT 4. yes the game that requires sophisticated and profound thinking b4 every move. i can can now beat Wendy consistently(= watch out mel.....ure next.
Oh yes b4 i leave for Phuket/KL, i wanna sent out a little wish in advance...
haha.... that's all for the day b4 the vacation
Your passionate blogger.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
what better attraction can a country have besides an ongoing and exhilarating riot??? can't think of any can you? One could experience more rowdiness than 10 Hong Kongs combine. you might even get a personal life threat...i mean invitation from the ever friendly protesters who took over the airport's control tower.
i mean, it would be interesting wouldn't it...' now if you look down to the left, you'll be able to see how wonderfully built these protesters are to hunt down they're taking over the fish-market! SCORE!' might have figured out by now...i can't go to Bangkok...well, it might be a blessing in disguise? I'm actually not very keen in going in the first place, Christmas shopping and some time to relax were the main draws. well, i guess Phuket's still available for the lazy tourist to slack. so the flights postponed to tomorrow, how exciting isn't it? say yes...
i'll probably need a taser when i get there
Wanna thank the YAPS for the wonderfully planned BBQ. it was an awesome time spent at Lorong something...haha. Was my first time entering a house with a pond as a moat... so it was interesting for me(= besides.... the wonderful food and company...that wasn't complete till we had the experience of messing the whole place with VOMIT LIKE WHIPPED CREAM...seriously it smell like vomit...FRESH VOMIT...]
but it was fun and all.
lastly...TOO ALL WHO THINK I CAN'T BLOG.......
Passion's my second name
till the next time
The never-tiring passionate blogger
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
So what do you think about the outfit this blog is embellished in? I owe all the thanks to my dear friend Eugin Wee! working tirelessly...listening to my constant nag on his progress...and tolerating the many changes i wanted..haha.... You're so gonna get a japanese buffet soon!
Half a day of butt torturing at east coast park was really fun...some were late( and thus suffered being daoed at)....some were roasted by the sun...and surprisingly...NO ONE FELL. that's good
We were well rewarded with the sumptuous food(NOT DESSERT!) that Thai Pan offered. Dessert was plain yuck... that's what i thought though... hopefully they weren't translated to too loud a speech...
Did i mention someone actually became a real MAN today? yes...awesome isn't it, but of course becoming a man has it's qualifications too(= haha
Then there comes the ever-entertaining, ever-stimulating game of ROCK BAND!
yes...we meet everyday to jam ram and bam...preparing for the many live gigs and world tours that our agents have signed us up for... how could we ever slack?
BBQ tomorrow!
Do ya feel the overflow of passion?
the passionate blogger(=
Monday, November 24, 2008
WENT TO ESCAPE YTD, THE MOST EXCITING, MOST THRILLING, MOST BREATH-TAKING, MOST... yea you get the point. but too bad for us the scariest rides were under maintenance and thus we had to settle with the Viking as the most 'terrifying' one, haha.
Personally, i enjoyed the haunted house the most, I seriously haven't been ths scared since i was sec 1 at madam tussuards. pity adele didn't get to see the friendly monsters while keeping her eyes closed all the time...
bobo's house was the next destination after lunch, and guess what... RED HOT CHILLI PEPPERS should get me to be their singer!!! haha, enough with the ego boost... band hero totally rocked the time that we were there. but overall... lets see... i loved the drums! Serene had the bass going well too, Nat just owned the the E guitar, and Evan, yes Evan sang like a real pop star(= haha. i never knew i would enjoy this kinda games so much. my coordination with the colour bars really suk actually. most of the time i played under easy mode, haha. ( but still, dun doubt my incredible skills man!)
Today's another day of excitement and fun! cycling with tha gang in like an hours' time again? haha, really enjoy their company... what would i do this hol's w/o them man....( i was thinking
anyway apologies to the poor room service to the sleepy two, but I, as the morning call, also lacked the energy to talk while half alseep. haha
Serene: hello?
me: heyyyy...ughhhhh
serene: hello?
aha. weird starting...and the other PERSON just hanged the phone on me...)= hha
K, that's all for for u MANY passionate readers
btw...blogging has always been my passion
The ever passionate blogger
Sunday, November 23, 2008

Nice pic from NZ eh? hhaha, just testing the picture function(=
when the music fades...fades ...fades...keep fading...keep the echo going...
yes, it's always good to keep echoing the last word of each line and humour the person next to you... that's something i ought to try one day. of course if that doesn't work one could nudge the person beside and give him a weird smile whilst repeating the word...haha....i'll freak
looks like this blog is in need of a skin...i wonder how long it takes for this skin to be done....( feel the pressure Gin?). here's a rough guide:
- i eat
- i sleep
- i drum
incorporate them into a single theme that shouts at just below the frequency of that which would be interpreted as 'showoff'. Oh and remember; think tattoo, with a kiss of elegance and yet exploring the rugged side of every man.
that should help
haha, it's wonderful knowing that even a passionate blogger needs a team to actually create a passionate blog. ( perhaps that's only for me...)
Church was good, discussions about the games esp! haha, personally can't wait for camp to come... it's like the event of the year! haha i think... fun, grossness and torture...might just be Crossover camp's forte..haha
Theme parks, bbqs, airplanes, massages, shopping, FOOD. what more can i ask for in a single week?
signing off again
the ever passionate blogger
Saturday, November 22, 2008
yes, once again a passionate post by a passionate blogger.
SLEEP has never been more dread after... wish there were 48 hours a day, then no one would complain anymore!
Anyway today was a good day, performance with Yamaha at parkway went really well and smoothly too! im so proud of our organisation and logistics. Jet, Claudia, you guys did well...(and you will read this sooner or later i hope haha).
cell later in the afternoon, somehow it was whacked at first. i think everyone had sugar rush due to not seeing each other for a week or something... weird bunch of people.
and yes special reader, welcome to the cell! hope you enjoyed yourself on the very first cell time.(=
dined at a 5 star restaurant called Beer Garden. food wasn't bad, and we played a game of thinking of christain songs with respective lyrics. of course, i screwed up the lyrics most of the time. haha
ok signing of again
i mean...
the most passionate blogger
Friday, November 21, 2008
Well here's the latest update that u MANY readers have been longing for. still exist, go read it if u want to. From here on i pledge to be the most dedicated, most committed and above all the most PASSIONATE blogger of all time. yes, expect many updates and insights into the life of mine...
Signing off,
The most passionate blogger